
Computational Chemistry Software Suite Chosen by Medical Research Council Technology

Medical Research Council Technology (MRCT) has chosen to license Cresset’s computational chemistry software suite.

“The decision of MRCT to work with Cresset’s computational chemistry software suite demonstrates the value and insight our products bring to researchers,” says Dr. David Bardsley, Cresset’s Commercial Director.

Dr. Kristian Birchall of MRCT says, “We are pleased to be working with Cresset’s software. This provides us with intuitive molecule design, a powerful ability to understand SAR and design plus a fresh way for generating novel and diverse structures for our projects.”

Dr. Bardsley adds, “Cresset’s software works at the meeting point of chemistry and biology, giving chemists a way of understanding their molecules in terms of biological activity. Our technology and services are providing companies with the right information, wherever they sit in the drug design workflow.”

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