
November 2022 newsletter

1600x900_Flare-V6.1_FEP-enhancementsFlare™ V6.1 released

New features and science in this latest release of Flare enable rapid exploration and analysis of lead compounds and ligand series, and effective communication of project results.

1600x900_QM_HOMO_LUMO_gapNew Flare Python Cookbook recipes

Ready-to-use recipes include the ability to focus on results relevant for your project, quickly explore ligand properties, and calculate the HOMO-LUMO gap of your ligands.

1600x600_EC-surfaces of mutant and WT antibodyEngineering antibody-antigen interfaces to improve therapeutic properties

We present a case for antibody engineering and describe how expert Cresset Discovery modelers use in silico approaches to quickly and effectively take your project to the next stage.

1600x900_Open positionsWe're hiring

We are on a rapid growth trajectory across all areas of the business to deliver outstanding solutions for our customers. There's never been a better time to join us! See all open positions.

1600x900_Newsletter imageKeep informed on how chemistry teams can work together and deliver faster

Subscribe to Torx® newsletter which is launching next month.

1600x900_Postdoc program cardPostdoc program opening to applications early 2023

Start your career with our comprehensive, tailored rotational program across scientific and commercial disciplines to broaden your exposure and skillset.


Request a software evaluation, Torx® demo or Discovery CRO discussion

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