
Application for teaching license

Any tutor running a defined degree course, where the output is intended for wholly academic purposes, including publication and presentation at public conferences and other meetings, and where the output is not intended to be commercialized or otherwise used for commercial gain, is entitled to a named user licenses for Spark™ and Flare™ Designer valid for a maximum of nine months. Tutors should apply to Cresset with a description of the course and the intended use of the software. Licenses will include updates and technical support. Licenses can be renewed while the tutor remains in charge of the a degree program. For non-academic use within an academic environment, e.g., to create IP which will then form the basis technology of a spin-out company, or for use in consulting with commercial organizations, then an academic discount to our normal commercial prices is available. Contact us for more details.

Teaching license terms

By completing, and submitting, you confirm that neither tutor or students will use the software to perform consultancy or contract research or to work on projects that intend to create commercial outputs. A limited number of licenses are available. You will receive a license key when your request has been approved.

Application for teaching license