

Blaze™ for ligand-based virtual screening

Advanced ligand-based virtual screening software to dramatically increase your wet screening hit rate at a fraction of the cost

Blaze for ligand based virtual screening

Rapidly explore chemical databases containing millions of compounds

Virtual screening software platform, Blaze™ uses the 3D electrostatics and shape of a defined ligand to rapidly search large chemical collections for molecules with similar properties. By adjusting the level of influence played by each of these factors, users can achieve a high diversity of hits, with hit rates as high as 30%.

With a virtual screen of 10 million structures taking just a few hours, Blaze enables huge time and cost savings. It reduces the need to purchase chemical compounds and load them into lab apparatus. Users can simply hand over the best quality leads to the lab, making early-stage drug development more cost-effective, and reducing the environmental impact caused by wasted chemicals.

Use Blaze to find alternatives to typically problematic drug types. Reduce side effects, counteract resistance, and improve short-term efficacy by replacing steroids with non-steroids. Counteract poor oral bioavailability, rapid degradation, and the need for frequent dosing, all commonly associated with peptide drugs, by replacing them with non-peptides.

  • Increase the diversity of your project’s leads and back-ups
  • Jump into new areas of chemical space
  • Find novel lead-like hits from known actives
  • Replace peptides with non-peptides or steroids with non-steroids
  • Achieve substantial improvements in the properties of your hits
  • Fast search algorithm - a virtual screen of 10 million structures takes just a few hours
Blaze Cloud

Blaze Cloud

The prospect of running a virtual screen of 10 million compounds may sound like a significant computational expense. Thanks to our virtual screening web server, Blaze Cloud, we can offer a fast and flexible solution to those lacking internal computing power.

Available on a per-project basis, millions of commercially available compounds can be searched using a secure, encrypted web browser session.

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Flexible deployment

  • Install Blaze on your CPU or GPU Linux clusters
  • Deploy our Amazon-ready version of Blaze
  • Access Blaze Cloud on Cresset hardware via a secure web portal
  • All commands are accessible through a web-based GUI, or thorugh a RESTful web service API
  • Blaze virtual screens can also be accessed through workflow tools such as KNIME or Pipeline Pilot
  • Engage Cresset Discovery to carry out a virtual screening project

Request a software evaluation, Torx® demo or Discovery CRO discussion

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