Coming soon...the next generation of Torx® Software, the original chemistry-aware Kanban!

Empower clarity and capture complexity with the next generation of Torx Software! With a single click, group your compound tickets to simplify even the most complex board and get a complete view of your project - by Chemist, Series, Priority, DesignSet, even Site!

New Torx Kanban Before After

Be among the first to demo the exciting new software release! 

Torx® Make

Track compound synthesis from start to finish across in-house and CRO projects

Facilitate secure, real-time collaboration using the feature-rich Kanban module

Connect chemists from all organizations within a single, secure workspace. Torx® Make (previously chemTraX) was developed by our partner Elixir SoftwareTM, and allows full control of the information shared with invited collaborators. Track real-time status and deliver project updates instantly, with the customizable and scalable interface suited to all business needs, from the smallest biotech start-up to the largest global pharmaceutical.

  • Real-time information exchange with CROs and external partners
  • Full configuration of access levels and privacy permissions for invited users
  • Communicate securely with multiple organizations and assign selected partners to projects
  • Use the "time-in-status" filter to identify compounds which have stalled during synthesis
  • Integrate seamlessly with legacy systems and databases

Torx Make CRO assignment

The feature-rich Torx Make Kanban

Track and manage synthesis projects

Accelerate your drug discovery projects while maximizing use of your resources. Torx Make opens up secure, real-time information exchange with your CROs and external partners. The collaborative Kanban tracks compounds and simplifies processes, making better use of your discovery scientists and budgets.

  • Available as a fully hosted, standalone module
  • Fast deployment and simple integration into your workflow
  • Fully customizable and scalable to grow with your business
  • Simple integration with third party informatics


Torx Make - share

Securely assign compounds to external collaborators

Torx Make for biotech

Work securely and confidently with a comprehensive view of all projects. The functional Kanban of Torx Make was originally developed by pharma research scientists, with the purpose of creating software to improve R&D efficiency. 

  • Collaborate with CROs and external partners securely with real-time information exchange 
  • Engage in live, shared sessions to review and feed back ideas
  • Monitor DMTA cycle times for auditing and KPIs
  • Integrate seamlessly with Torx Design, Torx Test and Torx Analyze modules if required
  • Monitor projects and eliminate effort duplication 
  • Automate registration steps with simple integration to third party informatics 

request Webinar recordings to see Torx in Action

Torx Make request tracking board

Track the progress of synthesis projects in the request tracking board

Torx Make for pharma

Support hypothesis-driven drug design, identify challenges and record improvements needed for your drug discovery projects using Reference compounds and compound DesignSets. Torx Make enables you to track synthesis progression and DesignSet testing and evaluate progress against your challenges at review meetings.

Explore all compounds previously synthesized or considered, complete with rationales, even after organizational change or if the originator is no longer with the company. Torx enables you to capture all scientific learnings for the benefit of future DMTA drug discovery teams.

Learn more about Torx Make

Collate compounds hypothesis-centric designs

Collate compounds within hypothesis-centric designs

Hypothesis-driven drug design

Torx Make can be very easily integrated with third party informatics such as CDD Vault® to enable seamless synthesis and registration of new compounds.

At the click of a button, the compound ticket is moved to 'Registered' and the compound form automatically updated with the Registration and Batch ID's. This further simplifies processes, optimizes laboratory efficiencies and ensures that all output is kept up to date across the platforms.

Our dedicated team are experienced in delivering integrations in a timely manner. 

Read the CDD vault application note to learn more 

Torx Make integrating with CDD Vault - registration initiated in Torx

 Simple integration with third-party informatics such as CDD Vault

Torx Software is the synergistic collaboration between Cresset and Elixir Software.

Torx Make (previously chemTraX) is powered by Elixir's iTraXTM technology, used successfully for over a decade by both biotechs and large pharma.

Request a software evaluation, Torx® demo or Discovery CRO discussion

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