
Breaking down barriers across the DMTA cycle to uncover new drug candidates

Drug discovery requires input from multiple disciplines and collaborators can be spread in geographically diverse locations. Ineffective communication between teams can result in siloed ways of working, which can significantly hinder innovation and lead to missed opportunities and delays in the design and optimization of new drugs across the DMTA cycle.

In drug discovery, several inefficient working practices can facilitate siloed working, including relying on traditional methods of communication, delays in conveying results, and the use of various, fragmented data tools.

We explore the challenges that occur when approaching drug discovery in silos and how harnessing advances in technology can help to overcome them.

Our article 'Breaking down barriers across the DMTA cycle to uncover new drug candidates' in Drug Target Review explores how computer-aided drug design (CADD) and cloud-based platforms help streamline the drug discovery process and facilitate communication. Cloud-based platforms are also the key to breaking down silos throughout the DMTA cycle, helping organizations to make the molecules that matter.

Effective design and optimization of high-calibre drug candidates

Torx DMTAAt Cresset, software, scientific expertise and seamless collaboration combine to advance insights across the DMTA cycle. Explore the solutions that will enable the effective design and optimization of high-calibre drug candidates, and request an evaluation, demo or discussion:

  • Structure-based and ligand-based desktop and server CADD software to accelerate small molecule discovery projects
  • Make better design decisions and track compound synthesis from start to finish with ease using the collaborative chemistry Torx® platform
  • Discovery CRO experts bring a unique perspective to help you remove obstacles, and save time and money, to advance your drug discovery project performance

Request a software evaluation, Torx® demo or Discovery CRO discussion

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